The little of sewing I've done, I've loved.
I sat a class in creative embroidery in Art College
and it was perfect for me as I'm not perfect at sewing.
The sticky-outy threads and very zigzaggy stitch work
covered a multitude of sins and for a while
I made it my happy place of all happy places!
So, in an effort to return to stitch heaven,
I enrolled in a one day Quirky Creatures course

I mean Quirky? Creatures? Sewing bits and bobs?
I had to go.
I met the most lovely Paget Scott-McCarthy
(who is one of the founders and amazingly talented)
and with her clear and gentle instruction,
I made these (don't laugh now!)

This is Roderick Ryan O'Connor Reilly
(I think he most definitely is Irish)

and Doris the Sausage Dog.
But I've been practicing a little at home,
starting to use paper, pretty fabrics and simple designs.
I have loads to learn, but am having fun while I'm doing it!