Wednesday, 17 September 2014


'Home' by Gabrielle Aplin is my theme song at the moment - have a listen while you read. 

Well, the Summer is over - the kids are back in school, the ice bucket challenge has been completed
and we're all counting down the days to pretty much every weekend ahead. 

We did do a Summer List (see earlier years here and here) and got about half of the things done. 

The summer was strange as we spent it in a rented house while we were getting major work done on our own. The most anticipated 'tick' on the Summer List was the 'Move Home' box. 
This made us all very happy!

It's been nice to re-imagine our old house and put in design details or practical elements that weren't there before. If you follow me on pinterest, you might know that I have a board where I hoard all of my chalkboard ideas. People are so clever with their spaces! 

I knew I wanted to put in a chalkboard wall - a place where the whole family could add the things of their heart - and I plan to change the theme with the seasons. 
This season, unsurprisingly, the theme is HOME.

It's not as 'designy' as the pinterest chalkboards because, let's face it, most of them are done in studios by artsy people and no kids. Ours is.. well, used. We love it. 

What about you? How was your summer?

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Eileen and Patrick's Wedding Invitations

Bride Eileen has impeccable taste. 
When designing her invitations with financé Patrick, 
they choose a summery palette of cool mint and sunshine yellow. 
Her love of anemones, hydrangea and roses were the inspiration for my latest enjoyable commission. 
(Did I ever mention that I love my job?) 

Monday, 3 February 2014

I wish I washi

I love washi tape and I use it quite a bit at home, 
I love the feeling of it and the patterned joy it brings! 
I've used it several different ways this last year - 
I've covered clothes pegs, used it as a wall frame, it's on the keys of my laptop,
I've covered boring picture frames with it. 
It's also spilled into some of my illustrations

My favourite etsy shop stocking washi tape, Loollipop 
has a 15% off coupon which ends today - I just bought myself a new supply:)

Here are a few washi ideas from clever people on the web. 

Image from design*sponge

A cute little upcycled globe here

 Little miss Lolly dollies here

Pretty bunting for packaging here

 I might actually do this

One for the boys! here 

 Washi tape clothes pin - link here

 I really like this Rosa House. Find it here.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Friday Happy Quote

Well. I found this lovely quote from the master of thoughtfulness, A.A. Milne. 
And I had a balloon. So I thought I'd test this theory. 
  I tried it with Isak. 

And then with Ruby.
Yep. Apparently it is true! 

Monday, 1 July 2013

Summer List 2013

It's Summer List time again! 

This piece of paper got me out of several brain freezes last year (see last years Summer List here.)

Are you doing one?

Friday, 29 March 2013

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Homegrown Beauties Part 3

Have you come across Rosie's Rags Craft Kits?

Sarah designs handmade embroidery kits and crafts 
that would be great fun to do and pleasing to look at afterwards. 

 Freebird is my favourite.

I love you Kit - simple and lovely :)